Why Are Arab Mail Order Brides so Popular Nowadays?

Finding an Arab mail order bride is definitely harder than searching for a local woman to marry, but for thousands of men around the world, the risk and the time are definitely worth it. Here is what makes Arab women for marriage so special.
They have fantastic looks
Arab brides look exactly like the Eastern fairytale princesses you used to imagine as a kid. Arab girls are tall, athletic-looking, and with the finest curves you have ever seen. They have striking facial features that look incredibly beautiful with their light skin. Arab women are also known for their signature hair, which is thick, dark, and shiny, making an Arab bride look perfect even without putting a lot of time and effort into her hairstyle.
They are humble and respectful
In Arab countries, women are traditionally brought up to pay respect to the men and avoid arguing with them. These requirements are not as extreme these days, but Arab women still believe that they need to respect the man before and during the relationship. Moreover, an Arab bride is unspoiled, both with male attention and material goods, which means she won’t create impossible challenges for you just to make sure you are interested in her.
They don’t date around before marriage
Having several serious relationships or even casual partners before marriage is simply not customary in Arabic countries. Arab women grow up waiting for their ideal man, so there is a very high probability that you will meet an Arab mail order bride who has been with zero guys before you. On one hand, it means you will need to teach her everything, but on the other hand, it means that she won’t compare you to your predecessors.
What Are Arab Wives Like?

No matter how many descriptions of Arab wives you will ever read, your own Arab wife will always find ways to surprise you with her marital qualities. However, this is what you can always look forward to when married to an Arab woman.
They will always take your side
From the moment you put the ring on your Arab mail order bride’s finger, you will become the most important person in her life. She will support you and get with you through any difficulties you may have in life. When you have a conflict at work or with any of your friends, you can always count on the support of at least one person — your Arab wife. When she needs to pick sides, it’s always going to be you.
They have traditional views on family roles
With an Arab wife, you will never need to have an argument over whose turn it is to wash the dishes after dinner or pick up the kids from school. Arab wives are so happy just being married to their dream man that they will never even think about making a scene over home duties. When an Arab wife does something for her family, she doesn’t consider it to be her special achievement — it’s just something she does naturally.
They see motherhood as their true calling
You will hardly ever find a happy Arab family that doesn’t have children and doesn’t want to have them in the future. To an Arab wife, children are the symbol of the love between you and she will treat them as such. No matter how busy she is, she will always find an opportunity to spend quality time with them. Still, Arab wives don’t want to have a huge number of children and prefer to have just two or three kids and instead give them everything they need and want in life.
Why Are Arab Brides Looking for a Foreign Husband?
Arabic countries are built on tradition and it can be very difficult, especially for a young, unmarried woman, to break free from this tradition. An Arab woman often cannot make any major life decisions on her own and has her parents decide for her, even when it comes to choosing a partner. Needless to say, this is not something every Arab girl is ready to accept. She sees marriage to a foreigner as her way to forge her own future and get together with someone she truly loves, not is obliged to marry.
The Guide on Marrying an Arab Woman
Tips on dating an Arab girl
A relationship with a Muslim woman may seem like uncharted territory to you, but the truth is that dating an Arab bride is as easy as being together with a woman from your own country as long as you follow some rules.
- Choose classic over novelty dates. An Arab mail order bride is probably not the right person to take bungee jumping or go-kart riding early in a relationship, but a traditional restaurant date will work just fine.
- Impress her with your knowledge of her culture. There are 22 countries belonging to the Arab region and it’s easy to guess that they all come with their own traditions and culture. Instead of making some uneducated guesses, try to learn your Arab bride’s background before beginning to date her.
- Respect and patience are key. An Arab woman may not agree to kiss you or go to your place as quickly as the women you used to know. For many of them, it’s actually a taboo, and your relationship will suffer greatly if you become too insistent on moving it forward.
- Don’t act condescendingly. You may think that Arab women grow up underprivileged and with not as many opportunities as the women of the Western world, but it’s more than likely that your Arab bride is proud of her origin and doesn’t want you to pity her.
- Talk about your plans for the future. An Arab mail order bride needs to know that she isn’t just wasting time by being with you. If you have serious intentions involving your Arab bride, always let her know even if you are not ready to propose yet.

Meeting Arab bride parents: 3 tips
Meeting your Arab bride’s parents for the first time is likely the final step on your way to marrying your Arab mail order bride, so you want to make sure that meeting is as smooth as possible. Here is how to make that happen.
- Keep cool but cheerful. There is nothing worse than losing your composure and letting the nerves get the best of you. However, your Arab bride’s parents also won’t be impressed if you intentionally keep up a serious facade instead of letting go.
- Try to win over the father. When an Arab family invites their potential son-in-law home, the father will be the one paying the most attention to you. Don’t get lost under pressure, but try convincing him that you will make a good husband to their daughter.
- Don’t make comments on culture or politics. The worldview of people in Arabic countries can be very different from your own worldviews, but you will have a lifetime ahead of you to argue about them. During the first meeting, these controversial subjects are best to be avoided.
Arab wedding customs and laws
Arab weddings largely follow the Muslim traditions, but there are also many wedding customs that didn’t appear long ago but quickly won the love of Arab newlyweds. Here are the five things that will be always present at your own Arab wedding.
- Traditional marriage proposal. Marriage proposal is a very big deal in Arab culture and always takes place prior to the wedding. The groom’s parents come to the bride’s home to ask her parents for permission for their son to marry the brides. After everything is agreed upon, the two families enjoy a light meal.
- The marriage ceremony. The official Arab wedding ceremony, katb Al-kitaab, is relatively simply by Arab standards and features the bride and the groom wearing matching outfits, exchanging the rings, and inviting a priest to conduct the procedure.
- The dowry. It is customary in Arab countries for the groom to give something valuable to his bride as a dowry. It should be something that will give the bride confidence in case things don’t go well financially or there is a divorce.
- The grand entrance. When getting to the wedding reception venue, the bride and the groom cannot simply come in and take their seats. The father of the bride will walk her to her groom to the sound of vibrant Arabic music.
- Cutting the cake. The cake is a central element of an Arab wedding and something the couple spares no expense on. The cake will feature multiple tiers, often with fireworks, and the newlyweds will use an heirloom sword to cut it.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much English do Arab brides know?
Each Arab country has its own official language or several languages, but the one thing they have in common is that English is fairly common in each one of them. English is used as the primary language for business and international communication and frequently taught in schools, which is why Arab mail order brides don’t have any communication problems.
Do Arab women prefer to work while married?
More and more Arab women join the workforce, often in high-paying and prestigious positions. However, this is not universal for all Arab women and many of them prefer to be stay-at-home wives and dedicate 100% of their attention to their families. And even if you meet a career-oriented Arab bride, you can rest assured she will never choose work over family.
Will my Arab bride remain as shy and reserved as she is at the beginning?
Being quiet and reserved around strangers, especially men, is a trait that Arab girls learn from the early childhood years. However, this is nothing more than a facade. Once your Arab mail order bride gets to know you better, she will let you see her true personality, which is more fun-loving and vibrant than you can imagine.

Kris Gimbel is a certified psychologist and expert in relationships. He advises top international marriage agencies and helps them develop more advanced interaction strategies between men and women who are interested in meeting and relationships.