Why are British Mail Order Brides So Popular Nowadays?
If you speak about British girls, the first thing coming to the mind is the country of their origin, its ancient history, modern power and leading positions in political, economic and cultural life all over the world. Young single women for marriage from this country evolve ultimate respect among grooms abroad even without getting acquainting with these amazing women in person. Here are the reasons why.

Chic and charm
Britain mail order brides’ look is quite varied due to the fact that nowadays their country attracts many immigrants, including those from Asia and Africa. Because of globalization and multiple relocations, they add their national features to British genes. However, traditional features for British women are quite nordic: blond or red hair, light-colored eyelashes and eyebrows, blue or grey eyes, thin and delicate face features.
One may think these traits are not so attractive for women. Generally men prefer bright colors, tanned complexion, curvy lips. But it doesn’t refer to British girls. They look like goddesses, and this is due to their remarkable charm, self-confidence and a smile combining with this exquisite beauty. Adding these internal qualities to their look, British women are a perfect mix of elegance and sexuality.
Light character and politeness
British mail order brides are easy to deal with. Their character is a combination of openness and courteousness. You will never be mistaken about the mood and attitude of a British woman. Nevertheless, due to her built-in politeness, no word or action offends you.
British humor
A lot is said about the humor of this foggy country, but British women are a perfect example of it. They are very jolly and full of laughter. A smile is usually on their lips. Additionally to their light character, a perfect sense of humor allows British girls stay calm in turbulent life circumstances and provide necessary help in such situations to others. Grieving and misfortune seem trifles in the company of these gorgeous women.
Modern views and sexuality
Being a part of modern European culture and even its locomotive, British women are quite up-to-date in the views about works, families, sex. They are open to any novelties, ready for experiments. Although at the same time their fundamental beliefs about gender roles in families are quite traditional.
What are British Wives Like?
British wives are perfect and this is not an exaggeration.
- Traditional family values
British mail order brides are good partners in the family. Usually they are highly educated and build their career. Nevertheless, as soon as British brides are ready for family relations, they consider this part of their life the most important. British women start paying greater attention to their spouse, put kids in the first place, support and maintain the household.
- Education and high culture
Usually British girls are educated, which allows them to occupy good jobs. Their pleasant English accent is attractive; frequently they speak one or several foreign languages. Thus, you will find few differences in culture and maybe no language barriers, which is very important for family understanding and close relations.
You may exchange impressions and point of views freely. Your British wife may easily support you with clever pieces of advice or recommendations on issues she is competent in.
- Calm and hot
British character is rather contradictory. On the one hand, your closest person is rather serene, demonstrating cold calculations in various situations. On the other hand, being humorous and easy-chartered, it is enjoyable to live with your British bride, to spend free time, share a bed and raise children together.
Why are British Brides Perfect for Foreign Singles?
Great Britain is a home for many expats, and London is the capital for numerous foreign nations. British women consider themselves open for new impressions and easy to relocate.
More and more young and sexy British mail order brides are looking for foreign partners. They have little problem with foreign languages as usually they speak at least one, thus a language barrier is not important.
British brides are ambitious and getting acquainted with men who have reached success in social, financial or political life in their countries, corresponds to their high-leveled life plans.
Being engaged in building their own careers, smart British women are pressed for time. The most effective and quick way for meeting a compatible person with the same aims, viewpoints, and life values are special dating portals, where international grooms are widely represented.
The Guide on Marrying British Women

Tips on dating a British girl
Dating etiquette in Great Britain is very simple and liberal. Actually, there are no rules about it. Just keep to a few recommendations and feel at ease meeting your British mail order bride.
- There are no special places for dates in Britain. Usually couples spend their first dates having a drink or two in pubs. This place is strongly recommended as it allows being informal and getting to know your vis-a-vis better.
- British people are rather reserved, thus body language says little in their case. Do not be mistaken about the attitude of your Britain girl to you judging by her behavior. She is doubtfully flirting or taking meaningful eye contacts. The easiest way to know her feelings is to ask directly. Take also into account, that cheek kiss is acceptable only by the second date in case a pair really like each other.
- Small talks during the date are acceptable but not obligatory. Being the matter-of-fact women, British mail order brides are more likely asking questions about you, your career, your home trying to make their opinion about you. They are rather ambitious. Thus, your social success is as important as hers is.
- What to put on for the first date? This is a question, which is important in many countries, but not in this foggy one. The dates after work are very frequent, that is why you may expect your British bride will be wearing a smart casual style or office look. This means nothing formal, just utility wear with few bright colors. Classical footwear is welcomed.
- British women are absolutely equal with men and they are sure to offer splitting a bill after first several dates. However, chivalry and courteous behavior toward your British bride is acceptable: holding a door, offering your jacket in case she is cold, and offering to pay all costs for drinks as well.
- There is no rule when you start getting intimate in case you like each other. The liberal views of British people and British women in particular allow sharing the bed as soon as you like each other, even after the first date.
- Keep in mind that your British bride is reserved and polite. Meeting her friends and relatives usually takes place not so quickly. She leaves you much space for your own life and leaves a part of her life hidden from you, even if you both are stuck on and have strong feelings for each other.

Meeting British bride’s parents
The attitude of your British mail order bride to her parents is not like in other countries. Being proud of her heritage, she smartly combines traditional respect for a mom and a dad.
It will take time before your British girl invites you to her parents’ house and introduces you to them. This is due to the fact that financially independent life for British ladies starts at 18-20 year old. And modern free views allow them to be independent in choosing their partners.
However, when it comes to official ceremonies of engagements or weddings, British people are very traditional. Asking a bride’s father prior to proposing is obligatory.
Shifted traditions in British weddings
The 21st century and a new generation of millennials made their input in conventional British marriage ceremonies. Demonstrating the positive dynamic in birth and population growth in Great Britain, the number of traditional weddings is decreasing.
The average cost for a wedding in GB has risen up to £32,000 according to the Bride survey by UK’s largest wedding website www.hitched.co.uk. This amount is equal to the first deposit for a loan mortgage. The couples, who decided to marry, prefer to buy their first lodging instead of a solemn wedding oath procedure.
High cost for real estate and weddings are also one of the reasons for increasing the age for family creation in Great Britain. Nowadays, most of British brides are older than 34, and grooms – 36.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are British wives good mothers?
Being a devoted wife, a British mail order bride is a very good mother. Usually she successfully builds up her career, and creates families in mature years.
However, as soon as kids arrive, British women take a pause in their jobs and start paying maximum attention to children rising.
British wives perfectly bring up kids, infusing the fundamental values, such as striving for knowledge, importance of family relations, respect for parents, love for nature demonstrating it on their positive example.
As soon as it is possible, British brides are trying to return or at least combine both a family and a career. Thus, after children grow up, they occupy good job positions.
What are traditional views of British mail order brides to family relationships?
British mail order brides are liberal and traditional at the same time. They are good wives and mothers, and prefer creating a family in their mature years.
However, British brides accept other forms of a partnership, may live together as a couple or just date for several years. Anyway, all these variants assume a definite room for their own life, friends and career.
Generally, people prefer living together as soon as they do like each other. The cost of real estate in Great Britain and especially in London is high. Thus, it is possible to save rent spending.

Kris Gimbel is a certified psychologist and expert in relationships. He advises top international marriage agencies and helps them develop more advanced interaction strategies between men and women who are interested in meeting and relationships.