Why are Croatian Mail Order Brides So Popular Nowadays?

Croatia is a country located on the sandy beaches of the Adriatic Sea. It is a magic box of gorgeous women. Our thoughts on why they are unique are below.
Gorgeous charmers
Croatian brides are beautiful and versatile. They have brown, black or white hair, different complexion, tanned or white skin.
However, one thing is in common. They are slim and tall, having a nice figure not prone to obesity even with age. This is the reason why many Croatian girls participate in beauty contests, winning Queens of Beauty nominations.
Smart and well-versed
A tiny country of Croatia has an ancient history and culture. Being perfectly educated, Croatian mail order brides also have a wide outlook. They travel a lot to other countries, study foreign history, and usually speak 2 or 3 foreign languages.
It is an awesome feeling to talk to these smart women for marriage and to discuss issues on culture, history or sports events with charming ladies.
It is difficult to find a woman in the world who is sportier than your Croatian bride is. These females start going in for sports from their childhood.
Warm waves of the Adriatic sea allow these girls to be good swimmers. Croatian brides are ardent fans of their soccer teams, attending matches in the stadiums.
Strong-willed and passionate
Versatility of Croatian women means also that they have mutable character. They may be tender, passionate, understanding.
Nevertheless, Croatians being also strong-spirited, persistent and efficient, are very adaptable. This helps them adjust to changeable circumstances, different economic and political situations, and immigrate to foreign countries.
With your Croatian mail order bride, you will have little anxiety during her move to your country.
What are Croatian Wives Like?
Croatian wives are a pleasant mixture of traditional family views being at the same time very liberal. They are Slavic by origin; however, they tend to be similar to Americans by their freedom-loving character.
Croatian mail order brides eagerly perform their domestic functions and care for a husband and children themselves. Being brought up in their families with conventional views, usually they master housekeeping skills there. You will be amazed with the exquisite cooking of your Croatian wife. The cuisine of this country resembles Italians’ and is full of light delicious dishes, seafood and wines.
Being passionate and freedom-loving, Croatian brides are easy to get along with. They are sincere and always say what they mean and want directly, revealing at the same time sympathy and support in the case of necessity. Croatian women for marriage are passionate and hot in their loving affairs, and ready for new experiences.
Usually Croatian women are highly educated, work full time and earn their living themselves. They love to visit places of interest, restaurants and cafes in their free time. However, Croatian brides are not going to waste extra money, revealing their economical attitude towards finances. They prefer to be independent and pay their own contribution to the family budget.
Why are Croatian Brides Looking for a Foreign Husband?
Dreaming about a happy marriage is the main reason for dating sites listings and looking for a foreging single for these gorgeous women. Croatian brides consider dating platforms the easiest and the quickest way to create new relations and find a loving partner.
For a long time, these women have started considering themselves a part of the western culture. Meeting a foreigner is a good chance to relocate to the country of their dreams and to continue investigating its life, language and culture.
There are cases of the first unhappy marriage, which lead to a more responsible attitude in looking for a new partner. Usually, dating sites and foreign singles listed there are reliable and demonstrating strong intentions for marriage. Thus, meeting foreign grooms who correspond to Croatian brides’ expectations and their matrimonial targets are very likely.
The Guide on Marrying Croatian Women

Tips on dating a Croatian girl
Dating a Croatian bride is a pleasure. They enjoy every minute of their life and value simple things. These gorgeous women will appreciate any signs of attention from your side.
Still by keeping in mind the following tips, your rendezvous will be a success.
- People living in this sunny country are very patriotic, although they consider themselves a part of Central Europe. Find out some facts from their history and culture, learn some songs; follow some sport events, especially soccer. Speaking a few words in Croatian will surely add your scores.
Remember, that Croatian names are something extraordinarily difficult for the foreigners to repeat. Make sure you pronounce your Croatian bride name correctly. A small accent will be just an additional benefit.
- Be attentive and polite. Your good mood and some humor will be valued, as Croatian brides like simple but sincere things.
- Your small presents such as flowers or souvenirs will be appreciated, but they are not obligatory.
What is mandatory is never offering to share your café bills. Croatians are very amiable, and even women may pay for the dinner themselves if they like a man. Nevertheless, paying only your own part is considered impolite from the point of view of Croatian brides.

Meeting Croatian bride’s parents
Prior to paying a visit and getting acquainted with your Croatian mail order bride’s parents, ask a woman about them. Thus, you will get a notion about their way of living, interests, values. However, even if there is something disappointing, do not hesitate to meet your future in-laws. Personal contacts are very important, especially for Slavic nations.
Conventional family values and traditionally respectful relations between children and parents are predominant for Croatians. Youngsters do not have to leave native houses before their marriage. There is a possibility that your Croatian bride still lives with her parents. Therefore, they may influence her opinion greatly.
However, the family usually are friendly and peaceful. Rendering traditional upbringing and good education to their children, the older generation usually belong to Catholic religion.
The main holidays, such as Christmas and Easter, are celebrated on the same dates with Western European and American ones. In case, your meeting coincides with these events, be ready for a noisy and jolly holiday and tasty treats.
Croatian wedding customs and laws
Conventional Croatian wedding is a combination of Western and Eastern European traditions. There are a lot of common rituals, customs and even some names.
While the most of the ceremonies are conducted according to Catholic laws in the church, there is a possibility to restrict the official part by a civil wedding in a special municipal service office. Both procedures are not long and take around 30 – 40 minutes. Then the party starts.
A Croatian bride and a groom are the main characters of the wedding ceremony. Although, there are also a number of participants whose role is vital. They are:
- a bride’s maid of honor and a groom’s best man (called “kuma” and “kum”);
- bridesmaids;
- a “barjaktar” (a flag carrier in English), a special master of ceremonies;
- “tamburaši”, a local music band playing live music.
- A maid of honor of the Croatian bride and a groom’s best man (called “kuma” and “kum”) play the most visible role in the ceremony. They assist newlyweds before the wedding and in the process of the celebration. They entertain guests and involve them in different activities.
- Bridesmaids as well as groom’s best men, also create jolly, amiable and easy atmosphere, drink and dance a lot.
- A “barjaktar” is a specially invited person whose aim is to organize and cheer up the celebration. He is always at the head of the parade, carrying the national Croatian flag and shouting loudly to encourage guests to participate in the numerous wedding funs.
- The musicians play music and sing national songs traditionally performed in the wedding parties. After the first dance of the couple, all guests join for dancing, and the party may last all night long.
Traditional wedding presents are simple. These are envelopes with EUR 200-300, to cover dining expenses. As for the treats, they are abundant and are served overnight.
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of men are Croatian brides looking for?
Few Croatian womens for marriage are looking for improving their financial situation with a husband-to-be. Usually women from this seaside county are eager to build strong reliable relationships and live happily with their couple.
Openness, loyalty, politeness, as well, understanding, and chivalrous attitude are valued greatly. Reciprocally, a woman for marriage is going to offer far more, and you and your kids are sure to be in the beams of her care and protection.
What type of dishes do Croatian mail order brides cook?
The cuisine in Croatia has much in common with the food served in Mediterranean countries, Spain, Italy, France.
Croatian brides are taught from their childhood to cook seafood, as a country lays on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. Thus, your future wife is skilled in preparing various sorts of fishes, crabs, risotto, salads. Be sure to have in your ration seasonal vegetables, many olives, garlic. Pasta is an integral part of Croatian cuisine, and your lady will treat you with it.
Returning home from your new in-laws, you will be sure to bring some amount of pleasant local wine or traditional Croatian liquor called “rakija” with you.
How do Croatian brides differ from other Slavic women?
Croatian women for marriage belong to Slavic nations, having much in common in characters, values, and even appearance with Russian, Ukrainian, Czech girls. They all are loyal, self-confident, well-educated, sharing the same views for traditional roles of genders in families.
However, Croatian brides are unique.
- They are open and frank in expressing their point of view and opinion, free and mostly are financially independent.
- Croatian brides are relaxed. They never hurry up, especially in relationships. The location of their country by the seaside encourages hedonistic behavior, promotes enjoying every minute, and Croatian women follow this way of life.

Kris Gimbel is a certified psychologist and expert in relationships. He advises top international marriage agencies and helps them develop more advanced interaction strategies between men and women who are interested in meeting and relationships.