Brazil is the largest country in Latin America that is known all over the world for its vibrant culture, complex history, and tumultuous political life. However, today we are going to focus on the only aspect of Brazil that matters to Western men who are hungry for love — the gorgeous, fiery, and caring Brazilian women for marriage.
Why Are Brazilian Mail Order Brides so Popular Nowadays?

These days, you cannot visit a Latin American online dating site without meeting thousands of men from other countries whose main goal is to find and marry a Brazilian girl. These three traits make them especially coveted on the international mail order bride scene.
Exotic beauty
A typical Brazilian girl looks nothing like the women from your hometown. Her light caramel skin creates an unusual contrast with her blue or green eyes, and her luscious hair is often dyed in a lighter shade to match her complexion better. What’s even more eye-catching about Brazilian women is their stunning body, where beautiful curves accentuate their tiny waist. Plus, it’s all natural and Brazilian women are known for effortlessly maintaining their best assets for decades.
Lovely character
A Brazilian woman is not someone who will make things even more complicated for you when you are already getting used to the idea of marrying a Brazilian mail order bride. She will make sure you always feel comfortable at every step of your relationship. This is especially useful when your romance is just beginning — your Brazilian girl will happily take the lead and help your relationship advance and develop.
Fun-loving attitude
Life in Brazil may be challenging, but it doesn’t stop sexy Brazilian girls from having all the fun they can. You will never encounter a Brazilian mail order bride who constantly complains about feeling bored and not doing anything about it. Brazilian girls are not only able to cheer themselves up when needed, but they can also help you have the time of your life whenever you want.
What Are Brazilian Wives Like?

Brazilian women for marriage display even more amazing qualities than the already irresistible Brazilian girls you meet online. Here are the three things you can fully expect from a Brazilian wife.
Her priorities are straight
Even though there are plenty of career-oriented ladies among Brazilian mail order brides, they will never hesitate to choose between family and work. If a Brazilian wife notices her career interfering with family life, she will either limit her working hours or leave work completely until she is able to successfully combine those two aspects of her life again.
She is the most loving mother
Most Brazilian girls grow up in families with several younger siblings, which is why they already know everything about raising babies by the time they decide to get married. In most cases, a Brazilian wife will not push you into starting a family right away, but you should know there is nothing that will make her happier than making your family complete by having your children.
She is a skilled cook
Brazilian women are truly wizards around the house, but while they can do all kinds of housework like pros, their biggest forte is their cooking talent. Even a routine family dinner cooked by a Brazilian wife looks and tastes like a feast. To make things easier for your Brazilian bride, you can order takeaway once in a while, but after tasting your wife’s signature delicacies, you will probably delete all food delivery apps from your phone.
Why Are Brazilian Brides Looking for a Foreign Husband?
There are millions of good-looking men in Brazil, but the number of Brazilian mail order brides only continues to grow. So why do so many Brazilian girls want to get married to a foreign bachelor? The number one reason is their undeniable attraction to Western men, their appearance, ambitious character, and a respectful attitude towards women.
However, an equally important reason why Brazilian women seek foreign men is that they want to explore life outside of Brazil. Like every other human, they want a better life for themselves and their future children, and they believe they can find it by marrying a Western man. Despite that, you shouldn’t think that marriage abroad is a purely transactional decision for Brazilian mail order brides — they will only do it if they are in love with the man.
The Guide on Marrying a Brazilian Woman
Tips on dating a Brazilian girl
Beautiful Brazilian girls don’t make it too difficult to impress them, but if you want to make sure your budding relationship goes perfectly, here are a few ways to achieve success when dating a Brazilian girl:
- Show respect for her culture. Brazilian culture is interesting and complex, and some aspects of it may look odd to a foreigner. The worst thing you can do is insult and disrespect your Brazilian bride’s cultural beliefs: you need to demonstrate a genuine interest in this part of her personality.
- Always be honest. If there is one thing a Brazilian woman cannot stand and will never forgive is her man being dishonest with her. Whether you lie about the small things like your tastes in food or the major things like your marital history and income, when the truth inevitably comes out, it can easily ruin even the best relationship.
- Let go a little. Western men dating Brazilian women often act reserved and shy, which is not what your Brazilian girl expects from you. These ladies are always willing to demonstrate their love and affection, even when they are in public, and you need to gradually get more comfortable with it if you don’t want to scare away your Brazilian bride.

Meeting Brazilian bride parents: 3 tips
No matter how you’ve met your bride or where you plan to live, you will inevitably have to meet her parents and obtain their blessing for the wedding. The most important thing to know here is that Brazilians are some of the most welcoming and cordial people you will ever meet, but there are still some ways to make an even better first impression on your Brazilian bride’s parents:
- The majority of people in Brazil speak Portuguese and know very little to no English, which will inevitably limit your communication options, as very few Western men know any Portuguese. You will probably communicate through your Brazilian bride, but you can impress her parents by learning a few most popular phrases in Portuguese and using them in the right context when speaking.
- Be good towards their daughter. As any parent would understand, the decision to allow your daughter to get married to a foreigner and move overseas is not an easy one. A Brazilian mail order bride’s parents will always trust her decision to get married, but they also need to know you are a decent individual who will never hurt your daughter. Don’t be afraid to show your affection in appropriate ways and tell them how much you love and cherish her!
- An easy way to win the love and respect of your Brazilian bride’s parents is to bring gifts for everyone on your first visit. The gifts don’t need to be expensive, but they need to be thoughtful. Everything from perfumes and skin care goods for the female part of the family to clothing, food and drinks for the male relatives is perfect as long as you put your heart and soul into choosing those gifts.
Brazilian wedding customs and laws
Brazilian weddings are as fascinating and colorful as the other aspects of this country’s amazing culture. In many ways, a Brazilian wedding will look and feel like many weddings you have attended in the past, but there are also some unique Brazilian wedding traditions you should know about:
- The day before the ceremony, you may not see your bride even for one second. This day will be dedicated to the pampering of the bride, which will be performed by her female relatives and family friends. The team of girls headed by the bride may go and get massages, facials, manicures and pedicures, hair procedures, and spa treatments — everything the bride may need to unwind before the big day.
- The wedding ceremony itself will not be long — typically, it lasts up to one hour and is always held in the church due to the fact that nearly all Brazilian mail order brides are devout Catholics. The marriage ceremony will be relatively quiet, but it will involve grand entrances for the bride, the groom, and their parents, while the rest of the guests will loudly cheer on the couple.
- If you carefully choose your wedding outfit and are especially proud of your tie choice, get ready to say goodbye to it at some point of the wedding reception. Your tie will be taken by your best man and cut into small pieces. The pieces of the tie will then be auctioned off to the wedding attendees. The money received from the auction is usually put towards the honeymoon fund, and even if it’s not much, it is still a lovely tradition.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Brazilian brides loyal?
Given that hot Brazilian girls are some of the prettiest women on the planet and they are well aware of their beauty and effect on men. However, you should not confuse their natural flirty behavior with unfaithfulness. All a Brazilian woman wants is to find a partner for life that she will always be loyal to.
Is a Brazilian bride only interested in my money?
One of the most common stereotypes about Brazilian mail order brides is that they don’t actually love the foreign men they marry and only do it for the money and visa purposes. You should know that this could not be far from true. Brazilian brides do want a man who can provide for the family, but will love you unconditionally for who you are, not what you have.
What if our lifestyles are completely different?
Brazilian girls are famously fun, energetic, and don’t know how to be bored. In some cases, their bright outlook on life clashes with the lifestyle of Western men who are more concerned with everyday tasks and can hardly ever let loose. However, that is exactly why your marriage to a Brazil wife will be so successful: your two widely different personalities will balance each other out and create the perfect union.

Kris Gimbel is a certified psychologist and expert in relationships. He advises top international marriage agencies and helps them develop more advanced interaction strategies between men and women who are interested in meeting and relationships.