Why Are Jamaican Mail Order Brides So Popular Nowadays?
Despite the relatively small size and population of Jamaica, Jamaican mail order brides easily make the top 10 of the most popular women for marriage in the world. Here are a few reasons why that continues to happen.

They have attractive looks
You will not mix the appearance of a Jamaican lady with the looks of any other foreign woman. Due to their complex genetic heritage, Jamaican girls share some African, European, and Latin American features. Their skin color is deep and has a golden tint, and their hair is dark with typical African curls. The facial features of Jamaican brides are delicate but highly contrasted, which allows them to look fantastic even with a minimal use of makeup. Jamaican women are not tall or particularly curvy, but they are able to effortlessly maintain their slim and petite figures for decades.
They believe in romance
A Jamaican bride has many goals and aspirations in life, but the thing she wants the most is eternal and mutual love. Jamaican women are not actively looking for a husband or use specific criteria when choosing a man to marry. Instead, they listen to their hearts and their true feelings about the man. When a Jamaican girl falls in love with you, you can be very relieved to know that she loves who you are inside, not your job position, family connections, or income.
You will never feel bored around them
One of the greatest things about Jamaican women is that they are full of life and never allow minor hardships to break their bright spirits. Jamaican girls are always ready to party, meet with friends, or show you a good time. They have a fantastic sense of humor, always know the best spot to hang out, and want to share it all with a man they love. What’s even better is that their cheerful attitude does not go anywhere with age and your Jamaican bride will be the same years into your romance as the day you met her.
What Are Jamaican Wives Like?
Marriage is something a Jamaican bride does not take lightly and she will only agree to marry a man she can see as her future husband. Here are some of their marriage qualities that will make you want to experience the same.
They are deeply caring and loyal
To Jamaican women, marriage is all about taking care of their loved ones. They are prepared to go to great lengths to make sure their partner is comfortable and happy. This also includes psychological comfort — your Jamaican wife will never nag for hours after you’ve just come home after a gruelling day of work. Loyalty is another essential component of a happy marriage to a Jamaican woman and she will never give you any reasons to suspect she’s unfaithful.
They will gladly assume most of the house duties
No matter what your stance on the division of household duties in a family is, your Jamaican woman will probably insist on doing most of the cooking, cleaning, and other house jobs herself. First, she considers it one of the most effective ways to take care of their family’s needs. Second, she simply does not think anyone can do as good of a job as she can. Third, a Jamaican wife finds true joy in anticipating the needs of her family.
They will always find time for the family
Most Jamaican women have at least a part-time job, numerous hobbies and a wide social circle, but none of those things will be as important to her as her family. You will never meet a Jamaican wife who puts her career or other commitments above her loved ones in her list of priorities. Whenever you or your future children need the undivided attention of your wife and mother, she will always be there for you.
Why Are Jamaican Brides Looking for a Foreign Husband?
Life in Jamaica may look like a dream-come-true to an outside observer, but in reality, it’s much harder than it looks. Poor economy, limited opportunities for women, and unstable situation in the country make millions of Jamaican girls look for marriage options in foreign countries. Plus, Jamaican men are not particularly known for their perfect treatment of women, which is another factor contributing to more Jamaican women deciding to become mail order brides.
At the same time, it’s not just a practical decision for Jamaican women. Most of them are familiar with the qualities of a typical Western man, and those qualities are exactly what they want to see in their own marriage. A Jamaican mail order bride believes she can have the most loving and fulfilling marriage with a foreigner, and in 99% of situations, she is not wrong.
The Guide on Marrying a Jamaican Woman

Tips on dating a Jamaican girl
- Make an effort with your look. Your Jamaican girl will spend hours trying to look her best for you, so the least you can do is wear clean, trendy clothes, have a neat hairstyle, and use a nice perfume.
- Forget any outdated opinions. Jamaican women are very forward-thinking and they will immediately lose interest in a guy who has outdated beliefs about the place of women in society.
- Share her lifestyle and interests. If there is a huge difference between your and your Jamaican bride’s way of living, you won’t be able to build a solid foundation for your relationship. Make sure to at least try some of the things she loves to do.
- See her in her natural environment. If you want to get a complete picture of your Jamaican woman’s personality, try to see her not only on romantic dates, but also at her home or in her circle of friends.
- Prove that chivalry is not dead. With all of their modern thinking, Jamaican girls still want to feel special when they are in a relationship. Small gifts, picking up the check, and offering your coat when she’s cold are just some of the ways to do that.
Meeting Jamaican bride parents: 3 tips
Meeting the parents is a very important step in any Jamaican woman’s relationship and the sign that she definitely considers you to be marriage material. When you are invited to Jamaica to meet your future in-laws, here are some ways to make that first meeting a success.
- Don’t be too formal. Jamaicans are some of the most hearty, welcoming, and sincere people on the planet and, knowing that you have a serious relationship with their daughter, they will welcome you with open arms. Hugging, laughing, and sometimes even dancing will be definitely present at your meeting.
- Get them gifts from your own country. Jamaican parents are very impartial to gifts, but they can always tell when you have quickly purchased presents on your arrival to Jamaica. They will be much more impressed if you bring something that is signature to your home country.
- Show the utmost respect for your bride. The parents of your Jamaican bride are understandably worried to send their daughter off to get married and live overseas, so the least you can do is show them that you will treat her like a queen.

Jamaican wedding customs and laws
Jamaican culture may be wildly different from anything else you have experienced in your life, but the one thing that unites Jamaican with other countries is their love for weddings. A wedding in the family is often the highlight of the year for Jamaicans, and here are a few Jamaican wedding traditions you can expect on your own big day:
- Backyard weddings. A typical Jamaican wedding ceremony does not require a fancy venue or an expensive restaurant where the wedding will take place. Most weddings take place in someone’s backyard and have a very cosy atmosphere.
- Building the tent. The wedding will not take place completely out in the open air, since there can be an unexpected change of weather. The friends and family members of the newlyweds will help construct the wedding tent in the backyard while the groom will only watch and give out directions.
- No wedding invites. On a true Jamaican wedding, there is no guest list or pre-mailed invitations sent out to prospective guests. Instead, there is an open-door policy, which means anyone who wants to celebrate with the newlyweds is welcome into the tent.
- Local delicacies. The tables on a Jamaican wedding will be filled with local foods, but the three most essential components of any Jamaican wedding menu are curry goat, local rum, and a Jamaican black rum wedding cake.
- Tun T’anks. Tun T’anks is a fun Jamaican tradition that typically happens on a Sunday after the wedding day. Once the wedding guests attend church on a Sunday morning, they are invited back to the bride’s house to continue the celebrations.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the religious views of Jamaican brides?
Jamaica has a unique religious makeup compared to many other countries from the region. Christianity is the leading religion in Jamaica, but the majority of believers there are Protestants, not Catholics. The local religion of Rastafari is also a big one in Jamaica, but the important thing about Jamaican girls is that they are fully accepting of other people’s religious views.
Will there be any language barrier between me and my Jamaican bride?
Not at all! English is the official language in Jamaica, and while the local version of English may take you some time to master, you will easily strike meaningful conversations with your Jamaican bride from day one. And then you can move on to learning Jamaican Patois, which will get you even closer to your bride.
Are Jamaican women too promiscuous?
When talking to a Jamaican lady for the first time, it’s impossible not to notice how naturally flirty these women are. They love men’s attention and they can go to great length to get it. Plus, the overall vibe in Jamaica is so relaxed that love is in the air anywhere you go. However, Jamaican brides quickly stop that behavior once they find a man they want to marry and pay all that attention only to him.

Kris Gimbel is a certified psychologist and expert in relationships. He advises top international marriage agencies and helps them develop more advanced interaction strategies between men and women who are interested in meeting and relationships.